Projet :Le hackathon

par Mme Omi

Mardi 8 mai, les élèves de 3e3 accompagnés de Monsieur Daveux, professeur de technologie, Mme Rouquette, professeur d’anglais sont allés chez Capgemini pour découvrir l’entreprise. Très belle expérience !
Texte et photos Mme Rouquette

Mister Daveux our principal and ICT teacher wants us to take part in the greatest projects.
So , on Tuesday the 8th we took the rer to cité U and the tramway to Issy les Moulineaux.
Then we arrived at the ........Capgemini headquarters !
There we were given badges and we were taken to a big room where Capgemini executives told us about their company.
Capgemini is the world-famous French High tech firm . It finds high tech solutions for firms all over the world and has 350 000 employees in 50 different countries. For example they have set up the self service kiosks at Mc Donald’s restaurants.
There were also people from the German high tech firm SAP.
At Capgemini they have a responsible social service that invests in sharing their acumen in a sustainable and ethical way. Inviting schools to do a Hackaton shows their strong involvement !
We had to form 4 groups with our Capgemini and SAP hosts.
Group 1 had to think about "health"
N°2 had to ponder about "sport and leisure"
N°3 had to delve into "social links"
N°4 had to imagine solutions about "mobilities"
The project must solve a problem
The comic strip illustrates clearly the project’s impact..
Everyone is thinking as a team
Each team finds convincing arguments
and writes a summary and speech in order to introduce the project .
The facilitators’ opinion :
AF’s pupils listen to each other.
They are efficient and they know a lot about all the main issues at stake nowadays.
They are creative, efficient, full of ideas, mature... They are in a good mood !
They go the whole hog !!!!
Corentin thinks that it’s an awesome project because we create a project from beginning to end.
"I enjoyed to develop ideas in debates and we shared ideas, we debated and we ended by agreeing. Everyone had a different point of view but we managed to agree. "
" The facilitators are really friendly and they helped us a lot ! They help us to go forward ! " Corentin
According to Siloé it was a fabulous experience because they worked as a team ! For Arije and Toscane " it was great to work with our best friends ". Léa loved it too for the same reasons !
The four projects were simply amazing.
One high tech project designer was so astounded that he seemed to be a little jealous ;-) :-) We’re joking of course !